Ever want to handle nested JSON dictionaries without worrying about a missing key? Glom to the rescue for accessing nested structures, declarative data transformations, and tons more!
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A collection of underappreciated Python packages which are super helpful and should get more ❤️.
An extended commonmark compliant parser, with bridges to docutils/sphinx
A task runner that works well with poetry.
Define tasks in your pyproject.toml file. Tasks can be commands or Python functions. Includes shell completion, and the ability to specify a sequence of tasks. For example, run `poe md` to do the migration dance (make migrations and then migrate them).
Sweeter debugging and benchmarking Python programs.
ycecream is a fork of `icecream`, but also includes a decorator for simple benchmarking of function calls. I've only used it in one project so far, but it's been way nicer than `print("some_variable", some_variable)` for sure.
:blue_book: dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, built-in I/O operations (base64, csv, html, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml), s3 support and many utilities.
python-benedict wraps up a bunch of dict-related functionality in one tidy package. For example, parsing TOML into a dict: https://github.com/adamghill/unsuckjs.com/blob/c80baf377/libraries_retriever.py#L16. Also useful for the simpler use-cases of `glom`, like grabbing a value from a nested dictionary.
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